Pasir Angin Museum

Pasir Angin museum is located in the Desa Cemplang, Cibungbulang, Bogor. Is one important for the prehistoric archaeological site in Indonesia, built since 1976. Excavation began in 1970-1975 conducted by the team of the “National Archaeological Research Center" under the leadership of R.P Soejono discovered artifacts made of stone, iron, bronze, ground lat obsidian and glass, as well as in the form of stoneware pottery etc.
Found objects, among others, in the form of a bronze ax dovetails Sriti, Candrasa, stick bronze, bronze pendants, beads, stone and glass, the cutting edge and iron axes and pottery and obsidian tools. All of these are placed close to the monolith, which is almost all the findings obtained longitudinal direction to the East.This suggests that the activities that include these objects centered on a large stone megalith that is the hallmark of trust that has been growing at a rate of Neolithic with people living with farming.
By comparing the sheer number and type of found objects , it is estimated that Pasir Angin Museum is a site that was inhabited during the Early Metal in Indonesia at 600-200 BC. This was confirmed by the results of interim analysis of CH14, 12 examples of charcoal that has been sent to ANU (Australian National University) in Canberra for analysis CH14, 4 pieces instances have proved an absolute date ranges from 1000 BC to 1000 years AD.
If you want to visit this location, you can choose the package " The Silence Witness " with some of the destinations are Gudawang Caves, Mausoleum Van Motman, and also Pasir Angin Museum.
Click This to see More About The Packages of The Silence Witness

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