Pillars in this place as if composed regularly. This location called
Mausoleum van Motman, the tomb of the family van Motman, family landlord in
Bogor when a dutch colonial period. After almost a century this family being a
landlord in West Bogor, in 1953 the family descendants of the last van Motman
leave Indonesia, so Mausoleum van Motman in kampong pilar untreated. But its
might still felt, although the marbels and glasses that came from Italy has been
lost pillaged. This pillars is gravestones tomb of family members van Motman.
In the yard Mausoleum van Motman in the past there were 33 tomb,
although now there are 12 of tomb which can to identify, two of them only punctuated with the bricks
and stone tomb nature as usual. This tombs like pillars, because that this
village has named kampong pilar.
Each building, the pillars in the cemetery consists of a part “bottom or
legs, body, and head or peak”. The bottom squared rectangle, grew up shrink.
The squared rectangular body part with a rectangular-shape niche In a part of walls. Above
the niches there is arch-shaped ornaments. In the walls section that was
installed a marble headstone.
The main building at the cemetery is stylized neo classic. Straight with
the entrance gate of this cemetery yard. A number of the information obtained
from, first mentioned that the main buildings is a mausoleum that is a copy of
a “Cathedral of Santo Petrus” in Rome, Italy
The area it was first used as a grave at December 5th, 1811,
when Gerrit Willem Casimir van Motman (1773
– 1821), the man van motman first entered the buried in the land of java
daughter Henrietta called Marry. At 17 years old, GWC trying to his fortune
with Join VOC, sail East Indies to start a career as the administrator of the
warehouse VOC. Finally, after bankrupt VOC in Bogor, GWC of being a landlord
with total wide of the possession of 117.099 hectares. At the time of his life,
he owns a home in the Dramaga called Groot Dramaga or Big Dramaga.
if you want to visit this location, you can choose the package " The Silence Witness " with some of the destinations are Gudawang Caves, Pasir Angin Museum, and also Mausoleum van Motman.
Click This to see More About The Packages of The Silence Witness
Mausoleums really are a great looking piece of architecture. I would be interested to learn whether there are set layouts for mausoleums or if plans can be drawn from a families plans. Hopefully this will be something that ends up being a big form of inspiration for those who would like to have their own mausoleum. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for reading our article.
Deletewhile knowing there is the mausoleum of the Netherlands in a remote village in Bogor, Indonesia . Our first expression is certainly surprised. because we know in advance in Bogor only one Dutch mausoleum is located in the Bogor Botanical Garden.
In the Japanese colonial era, this building had suffered destruction, visible from the building.
open this link to see photos of buildings in ancient times before era vandalism. http://www.google.co.id/imgres?imgurl=http://www.familievanmotman.nl/wpimages/wpe36aeaaa_05_01.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.familievanmotman.nl/english4.html&h=400&w=280&tbnid=trNm-WLH1S9moM:&docid=Z84qxlw-mF6IaM&ei=SLscVvm5FtC1uAT1tZhQ&tbm=isch&ved=0CBMQMygQMBA4ZGoVChMI-f3Txf6-yAIV0BqOCh31GgYK