Kampung Budaya Sindang Barang

Kampung Budaya Sindang Barang  (Sindang Barang Culture Village) is believed to have existed since the XII century,  believed that is center of Kingdom and Kutabarang as its capital city. There are 27 traditional buildings standing in the village area of ​​culture that had stood since 2006. Everything can be enjoyed by tourists and each building has a special function. 

Sundanese traditional music playing in the wind disappeared at the end of the rice fields, right in the backyard of a break room. In another plot, teenagers from others city trying to familiarize themselves with the soft ground. 

As a village that still adhere to the traditions and customs of their ancestors, the architecture of this buiding is such that looks similar to what is written in Pantun Bogor (Bogor Poem) about Kampung Sindangbarang in the past.

Stage performances became a very important part of the Kampung Budaya Sindang Barang. A variety of original art Sunda like calung, traditional dances, until angklung gubrag be interesting entertainment that is always staged in this cultural village. Interestingly, on stage is always available a set of gamelan tatalu that could be played by the guests who come. 

If you want to visit this location, you can choose our package "Bogor Harmony of the Faith" with some of the destinations are Pura Parahyangan JagatkarttaVihara Dhanagun, Curug Nangka Waterfall and also Kampung Budaya Sindang Barang.Click This to see More About The Packages of Bogor Harmony of the Faith.

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