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Vihara Dhanagun/ Hok Tek Bio Temple

Vihara Dhanagun is located in the center of the central city of Bogor, close to Bogor Market , easily reached by public transport or private vehicles . About the borders in this temple, in the east and south are building supermarkets Bogor Plaza, on the west is Surya Kencana street and Otto Iskandardinata street  and to the north is the Bogor Botanical Garden. Vihara Dhanagun which is also known as Hok Tek Bio is located in Jalan Surya Kencana, Bogor. Place of worship for traditional Chinese society in Indonesia original terms called a temple. Hok Tek Bio stems from the word Hok = fortune, Tek = virtue , Bio = place, so Hok Tek Bio means place of worship fortune and kindness. Then, almost 5000 years ago of the Imperial Dynasty Yellow Flowers establish a special shrine to the god mountain and the River God. Since then many temples erected to Thian, fathers, saints and various spirits. Temple of Thian called Shiau for the ancestors and sacred character called Bio

 Now the Vihara Dhanagun is  including to the Indonesian Buddhist Council, so it seemed only refers to the place of worship for Buddhists. Budhayana means Buddha vehicle  is often called Ekayana which means a single vehicle. According to the Buddhist community, both Mahayana, Hinayana and Tantrayana is part of a loop is intact (Buddha Dharma). Buddhist believes in God as Sang Hyang Adhi Buddha. Although Hok Tek Bio is a temple, but in it still allowed the practice of the Chinese people's beliefs as Confucianism, and Taoism. Confucianism has dominated every aspect of the mindset and form a Chinese family life. Taoism are based on the teachings of Lao Tze lead society back to nature merges with the Tao in order to achieve lasting happiness. 

In Indonesia the difference between the type of temple with one another does not appear . Temples in Indonesia has lost his trademark so that there is only a place of worship for the three principal streams, namely Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. Vihara Dhanagun / Hok Tek Bio has also been losing its character because in Hok Tek Bio temple there are gods / sacred figure Buddhist, Taoist and Confucius. The main deity worshiped in this temple, Hok Tek Ching Sien (God of Earth), but also placed the pantheon of Buddhism that is Maitreya, the Buddha and Avalokiteswara. 

 There is also a shrine to Raden Surya Kencana that is ancestral of the Vihara Dhanagun area was established around 1672 AD, based on the calendar system according to calculations Tien Gan Di Cze. If based event being the transfer of Chinese people in Batavia to areas that are considered safe due to the uprising of the Chinese people in Batavia in 1740 AD , it is predicted that the temple was built in the early 18th century AD.

 If you want to visit this location, you can choose our package "Bogor Harmony of the Faith" with some of the destinations are Pura Parahyangan JagatkarttaKampung Budaya Sindang Barang, Curug Nangka Waterfall and also Vihara Dhanagun. Click This to see More About The Packages of Bogor Harmony of the Faith.

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